We need financial support! If you are seeking an outlet for your tax-exempt contributions, NOW is the time to remember NAAPO. We have about exhausted our available funds and now need money to continue expanding Argus!

Send your tax deductible donation payable to:

   % Philip E. Barnhart
   4655 Indian Court
   Westerville, OH 43082

We gladly accept financial support as well as volunteers who hunger to get hands-on experience with an exciting new experiment in astronomy, radio technology and satellite tracking/identification.

If you want to volunteer, it is helpful if you live within an hour's driving time of Columbus, Ohio. We find it helpful to be able to work with you as you work with us!

To assist you in either making a financial contribution or else indicating an interest in volunteering, please fill out the form below. Please mail it (with your check made out to NAAPO/Otterbein, if you are making a donation) to Phil Barnhart at the address given above.

Enclosed is my donation of $____________

I would like to volunteer my services. I am able to (check as many as apply):

Do electronic assembly___
Work with my hands, i. e.,
   Woodworking___   Plastic fabrication___      Paint, caulk___
   Carpentry___     Write, (reports, etc.)___   Other_______________



